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Saker falcon diet - saker hawk fare

31-01-2017 à 20:11:04
Saker falcon diet
Common Names: Saker Falcon, Altai Saker, Steppe Saker Genus: Falco Species: cherrug The saker falcon is a big, strong bird of prey with large feet and pointed wings. Female saker falcons are more ferocious than the males and are preferred by falconers. The saker falcon are ferocious hunters and often attacks prey that is bigger than itself. In the winter they migrate south to Kazakhstan and the Middle East. They spent most of their time hunting for mammals like voles, rats, stoats, weasels, northern pikas, Siberian chipmunks, and birds. Description Biology Range Habitat Status Threats Conservation Find out more Glossary References Print factsheet. The saker falcon is about 18 inches tall. It is larger than the peregrine falcon, and has a very wide wingspan for its size. The mountain saker build its nest on cliffs. Prey consists largely of mid-sized mammals such as ground squirrels, voles, gerbils, jerboas, stoats and hares (2) (4) (7). Steppe saker falcons use the nests of Black Kites (Milvus migrans) and Imperial Eagles (Aquila heliaca). Saker falcon range The saker falcon is a wide-ranging species with a breeding distribution across the Palaearctic region from Eastern Europe to western China (6). Chicks are able to fly after 45 to 50 days, but remain dependant on their parents for food for at least another 30 to 45 days, during which time they stay within the nesting territory (2) (7). Many of the birds are trapped in Arab countries when they are on their migration to the Middle East. The larger, dark brown and gray barred Altai Saker falcons are the favorite bird of Arab falconers. Saker falcons are generally two to three years old before they begin to breed, after which one brood of two to six eggs will be produced annually by the female.

Saker falcons are also thought to breed with gyrfalcons and form a hybrid falcon. Female saker falcons are markedly larger than males (2). The saker falcon has a large range of color, from dark brown to grey, to almost white. The saker falcon can be both highly agile and extremely fast as it hunts close to the ground (6), capable of diving for prey at 200 miles per hour (4). Great variation in colour and pattern exist, ranging from a fairly uniform chocolate brown colour to a pale sandy colour with brown bars or streaks, to almost pure white individuals, which are particularly prized by Arab falconers (2) (5). Home Falconry Kinds Of Falcons How to catch How to Trained Falconry Equipments Gallery Videos Hunting in Islam Falconer Experience Contact us. At other times, and particularly near water, ground-dwelling and aerial birds such as pheasants, oriental honey-buzzards, quail, ducks, owls, thrushes, larks and songbirds form a significant proportion of the diet (2) (6) (7). There is a lot of kinds of Falcons but here we discuss the only the kinds which is well known in falconry. Their preferred habitats are the open plains and forest steppes. The saker falcon is a ferocious hunter and frequently attacks prey larger than itself (4). The saker falcon originated in southeast Europe and Asia. They can be found on the steppes of Mongolia and of southern Siberia, and the Russian Altai mountains. They have large eyes and a short, hooked beak. In the wild they have no natural enemies, except man. Saker falcon biology As the breeding season commences in spring, males begin to perform spectacular aerial displays as a form of courtship ritual to attract females, calling loudly as they soar over their territories. Genus Falco (1) A great favourite with falconers, the saker falcon (Falco cherrug) is a large, powerful bird of prey with an exceptionally broad wingspan for its size (4).

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